The aim of our Sunday Services is to allow for an opportunity for God to move within us.

For Him to come in and tug on our heart strings, to soothe our souls and to encourage us to be an encouragement to others.

Sunday is an opportunity for God’s family to meet together and prepare us for the week ahead – Sunday is a stepping stone in which we push off into life itself.

Our hope at St James is to have God-honouring, Christ-centered fellowship and worship.

And how do we aim to do that?

We realize that we are all individuals and that God speaks to each of us in different ways.  So we do our best to create as many opportunities as we can to connect with The Living God.

We approach our Sunday services in humility, expecting God to speak to us – be it through music or preaching;  liturgy or prayer; communion or community.

Sunday mornings should be a time of renewal and so we gather together to be refreshed.

Time and Location 

Services take place each Sunday at 10 am. We currently meet at Grace Village in their “Faith Hall”. The address is 1515 Rue Pleasant View, Sherbrooke.